Therapy has given me a quiet confidence:
that I am ok, that it will be ok.
Therapy has shown me, in a gradual process of unfolding, who I really am.
And it has enabled me to live and grow as that person.
I like myself more. I feel more alive.
And because of this, my relationships with other people are better.
And life is better.

A warm welcome to you!
Thinking about coming to therapy? – Welcome.
You’re probably wondering what therapy involves, and what therapy with me can do for you.
So here’s an outline of what you can expect:
I will meet you with warmth and openness, with a friendly professional interest. Whatever your circumstances. And we will have a conversation. About you.
And in this conversation, I will try and understand you and your struggles. I will see them not from my own viewpoint, but from yours. I will be honest, but never judgmental. I will listen, you will be heard: deeply heard, in a way that can heal wounds, offer new perspectives, open up fresh possibilities.
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On your therapeutic journey, I will walk with you. Sometimes a step or two behind you, sometimes a step or two in front of you. But always at your pace, not mine.
Sometimes we will know where we are headed, sometimes we will just have to wait and see.
Sometimes we will feel the exhilaration of entering new territory, sometimes we will be focused on understanding the familiar landscape around us.
As you travel, your journey with me can help the ground under your feet to feel firmer, your steps more sure-footed, the path behind you more clear, and the way ahead more distinct.
Towards a better horizon.
What I can offer you
I can offer you a safe, constructive and confidential space in which you can explore your feelings and experiences, past and present. I can help you re-gain your equilibrium and, with time, I can help you to flourish and grow.
My role is not to make decisions for you or tell you what to do.
My role is to develop a deep and nuanced understanding of you and your struggles. And I will nurture a therapeutic relationship, unique to us both, that is founded on empathy, understanding, trust, mutual respect and constancy.
Within the security of this relationship, you will be encouraged to develop, over time, the self-knowledge and self-esteem to enable you to see your own way forward – instinctively, with confidence and with clarity.
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As well as offering constructive, method-based support in relation to a specific issue that you bring to therapy, I can help you to:
- – develop an easier relationship with yourself, which in turn can enhance your relationships with other people;
- – become more aware of, and trusting in, your own inner resources, and strengthen your self-confidence;
- – free yourself from embedded assumptions and patterns of behaviour that you feel hold you back;
- – become more open to new experiencing;
- – better understand your own needs and priorities, and live by them.
Everyone has their own reasons for starting therapy
Whatever it is that brings you to therapy, we can explore it together. As partners. To find a way through.
Perhaps you are going through a major life event such as a bereavement, relationship breakup, mid-life-crisis, burn-out or upheaval at work.
Maybe you feel a bit lost. Perhaps you have recently moved to Vienna and feel uncertain about your role or where you fit in. You might feel pulled in many different directions.
Perhaps you are facing a conflict with someone else, or within yourself. You might be feeling depressed or anxious, guilty or uncertain.
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Perhaps you need to find your way through the aftermath of an illness or traumatic experience, or would like help in understanding something from your past.
Maybe it is a difficult relationship to an addictive substance, or an addictive behavior, that you want to explore.
Or perhaps you are drawn to therapy by feelings that you can’t quite describe: a sinking feeling, an unease, a tension, a lack of fulfillment, a general sense that something isn’t right, that things could be better.
Talking to someone who is trained to hear you and understand you – therapeutically – can really help.
Tel. +43 660 8187207